1. The Moon Last Night, part one
2. The Moon Last Night, part two
The Moon Last Night perfectly captures the complex and contemporary guitar style of Loren Connors -- totally desolate yet wound in echoy, rich black clouds that weep of Mississippi ghost blues and chiming strings. This two part suite combines the artist's love of choral music, Giacinto Scelsi and the naked Venusian guitar style he evangelized across a string of private press LPs in the late 1980s. Conjured solely from a Fender six-string and reverb effects, solitary notes swirl and loft gently from distant points before collecting into booming clusters.
Recorded in Connors' Brooklyn apartment during the winter of 2008, the rustles of clothes and a creaking chair appear throughout. Like a kaleidoscope or the cover art itself -- a 1973 painting by Connors -- subterranean layers of composition and melodic streams are uncovered in each listen.
Released in edition of 500, one-sided translucent yellow LPs.