The Young Cricketer
Chris Corsano
Released March 4, 2008
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1. What do we mean by coaching? (0:33)
2. How should you pick up the ball and throw it? (1:56)
3. What do people mean when they say 'He played cricket'? (1:34)
4. What do we get from cricket that we don't get from other games? (4:02)
5. If you want to succeed at cricket what attitude should you adopt towards the game? (1:57)
6. How may your parents and your employer help you in your cricket career? (7:58)
7. What is the correct way to stop a ball? (0:37)
8. How do you know that you have taken you eyes off the ball when you attempt to catch it? (1:56)
9. Why are some cricket coaches better than others? (4:28)
10. How will you learn more successfully from your coach than by just looking and listening? (2:46)
11. What movement helps you when you are trying to run out a batsman? (1:53)
12. Why should you watch the strikers bat? (2:35)
13. How do you know where to throw the ball? (1:56)
14. When should you throw the ball at top speed? (2:07)
15. How should you throw it on other occasions? (1:48)
16. Are you going to keep alive the spirit of cricket? (2:40)
The Young Cricketer is Chris Corsano's debut of Frankenstein/gamelan skin detail. It's a monster and a babe all wrapped under the guise of The Solo Drum Album. Corsano's flea-market kit of cast-iron pot lids, super-bouncy-balls on sticks, butter knives, and even a sax mouth-piece jammed-in-a-hose conjures a part rhythmic maelstrom, like a Milford Graves drip painting, and the sweet metallic ice drones of Tony Conrad and Keiji Haino rubbing sticks together until end days. Globally known for a dozen scorched/power jazz sessions with sax blower Paul Flaherty, ongoing work with Michael Flower, the Vampire Belt duo with Bill Nace and a cadre of collaborators (Jandek, Bjork, Jim O'Rourke, Dream/Aktion Unit, Death Unit, Dredd Foole, etc.), Corsano's drumming has leapt from post-hardcore explorations into outrageous, primeval and outright futuristic during his past 10 years of recorded documentation.
This LP erases any notion of percussion's boundaries. It's a field recording of wire, skin, metal and soul -- not tunes for yr neighbor's bongo party. Originally issued on Corsano's own Hot Cars Warp label as a CDR, this LP was remastered and issued in a 600 edition. Later the record was repressed in 2012 in a 250 edition.
"At one point... Corsano even duos with himself, hurling spittle through a piece of horn while simultaneously pounding out a blurry beat. But that's just the tip of this massive iceberg, which drips with so many ideas and so much head-grabbing sound I almost wonder if Chris should retire now -- this would easily qualify as the life-highlight of most sound-generating mortals." Marc Masters, Noiseweek